Friday, April 3, 2009

Pruning Hydrangeas

Pruning Hydrangeas

Spring is the best time to prune hydrangea shrubs. Their dried flower heads have provided us with something interesting to look at over the winter months and it’s now time to clean them up.

They bloom on old and new wood so if it’s in good shape and you want to leave it alone, this is fine. In order to keep it compact and fresh looking, I cut them down to 12”-18” (cutting just above a leaf node).

Pruning them in this fashion strengthens the base and provides support for the often heavy blossoms. Using a tomato basket or peony ring for reinforcement will also help during the summer months.

Hydrangeas are a lovely specimen plant in any garden. I encourage you to go to the garden centre and see what interesting varieties are available. You won’t be disappointed!

Stephanie Osborne
York Downs Golf and Country Club