Friday, April 3, 2009

Crocus in snow

Crocuses are amongst the earliest spring blooming flowers. They are known to bloom while there is still snow on the ground and will even tolerate a snowfall after the blooms have appeared.

It's important to plant them where you will see them (near a front entrance or in view from a window) as they will likely be in bloom before you will be doing any yard work.

Avoid overwatering. Crocuses do best when they're planted in a sunny bed with well drained soil. The crocuses that have been consistantly doing well at York Downs are planted amongst trees and shrubs. These complex root systems take the bulk of the rain water and ensure that the crocus bulbs are dry throughout the summer.

The greatest threat to crocus bulbs are squirrels. All you can do is plant them at their maximum depth of 6" along with some bone meal and dog hair if you have access to it. For extra insurance, secure some chicken wire over the planting area.

Although spring is here and there is a fresh layer of snow on the ground, we can count on these flowers to give us hope that warmer weather is around the corner!

Stephanie Osborne
York Downs Golf and Country Club