Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wildlife on the Course

So far this season we have had the opportunity to have several interesting wildlife sightings.

A few weeks ago, a fawn was seen in the long grass near 8 South. After some research online we quickly learned that during the first week of a deer’s life, the mother will tuck the fawn away in a safe place during the day while she forages for food.

We were lucky to have seen this beautiful swan, as it was with us very briefly.

This snapping turtle was walking across the fairway at 2 West on it’s way to scout out a place to lay it’s eggs.

The most unusual and adorable sighting was our coyote pup last week. It was displaced from it’s family and was seen in several places throughout the day. Once it was nightfall and the rest of the pack was roaming the course, it was most certainly reunited with it’s family.

We are very fortunate to have the variety of wildlife that we do, we just have to remember to keep our distance and let nature take care of itself.
Stephanie Osborne
York Downs Golf and Country Club

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