Friday, September 25, 2009

Hardy Hibiscus

Top: Lord Baltimore
Middle: Plum Crazy
Bottom: Peppermint Schnapps

It's nearing the end of September and the fall perennials have bloomed and are looking nice. There is plenty to appreciate, such as the Sedum Spectabile "Autumn Joy", Rudbeckia Goldstrum and the Chelone Obliqua to name a few.

The most talked about garden plant at the moment is the Hardy Hibiscus which (thankfully) can withstand our harsh winters. We have three colour varieties in our gardens at York Downs, and all are absolutely stunning from late summer into fall.

The only care required is cutting back all of last seasons growth and waiting patiently for it to start again. This is the hardest part as it is one of the latest to emerge. Don't get discouraged and dig it up! In late June it will be to your benefit to snip the tops off of all the branches. Doing this encourages side shoots and you will have more blooms later on (this isn't mandatory but it is advisable to do so.)

If you have a sunny garden and want to jazz it up, the Hardy Hibiscus is a very good choice. In fact I will be looking for a few more colour varieties next spring!
Stephanie Osborne
York Downs Golf and Country Club

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