Sunday, January 18, 2009


It’s the beginning of a new year and I thought it would be fun to start a casual journal. With all of the beautiful perennials and their different bloom times, I’d like to photograph and write about the notables. We have a relatively short growing season in southern Ontario, and we must take advantage of each day we’re given.

As I look back at the pictures I have taken in the past few years, it’s hard to pick a favourite. The planting that I was (and still am) the most excited about is the Rock Garden. Situated at the entrance to the ramps, it’s in a very prominent spot. Hens and Chicks are probably my favourite plants because they are just so adorable!

They come in many colours and sizes, and the “Hen” propagates by creating baby “Chicks” that nestle so close that they really do seem maternal. Their Latin name is Sempervivum Tectorum and have a really interesting place in European folklore. The word Sempervivum means “always live” and Tectorum “on roofs”. They were planted on thatched roofs and it was believed that they would prevent a lightning strike from burning the house!

Above is a photo of some hens and chicks, ready to be planted into our newly reclaimed Rock Garden. It's a very interesting garden which is worth taking notice of. We are always excited to work in this garden, to see which ones are multiplying the quickest.

As I look outside and see mountains of snow everywhere, I look forward to the coming year, especially the spring blooms....but I'll save that for another time.

Stephanie Osborne
York Downs Golf & Country Club

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