Thursday, July 16, 2009

Plant Identification

As the perennials go in and out of their bloom cycle, we are often asked what their names are. To help, I've decided to use plant tags. If you see something particularly beautiful chances are there will be an aluminum tag at its base.

Shown above is a stunning ornamental variety of Oregano called "Kent Beauty". New growth is muted green and as the plant ages throughout the season, it turns a lovely shade of rose.

Stephanie Osborne
York Downs Golf and Country Club

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sea Holly

Sapphire Blue Sea Holly which is botanically known as “Eryngium” is a very understated garden perennial. Its metallic blue colour gives it a phantom-like appearance and can easily go un-noticed in a mixed border. Probably the most startling attribute of Sea Holly is the way it feels when you touch it! It is very spiky but if you’re careful you will realize that the leaves are extremely rigid.

Sea Holly does not transplant well, so be sure to plant it exactly where you want it to stay. I have had success with moving them, but they did take a few years to recover from the shock of moving it.

These perennials are very striking and they do well in our climate in a sunny bed, but something to remember is that they do show best when planted in large numbers or five or more.

Stephanie Osborne
York Downs Golf and Country Club