Monday, March 23, 2009

Blue Oat Grass in Spring

If you’re familiar with perennial gardening, you know that each plant has its own maintenance regime. I am often asked about the different varieties of ornamental grasses at York Downs Golf Course and how to look after them.

Today I took care of the blue oat grass, botanically known as Helictotrichon sempervirens. The best thing to do is cut the old grass down using sheers or hand pruners. This eliminates blades of grass continually falling off during the growing season. Before too long the grasses will be full and lush again!

Stephanie Osborne
York Downs Golf and Country Club

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Foggy Mornings

There’s something magical about foggy mornings. It’s a great time to take your camera outdoors.
While driving out to the gardens, I encountered this masterpiece of nature! The moisture droplets left behind on this spider web, truly made it a sight to behold.
Stephanie Osborne
York Downs Golf and Country Club